On day 5 I was thankful for my Grammy. Though she is no longer with us she is never far from my heart and mind. She was a special woman. A wonderful role model. She spent her life giving and left behind a legacy of love. She was one who fed many. I remember many times she fed strangers. She delivered meals on wheels for years, but that wasn't all. Before my days on this earth she fed the rail car hobos. They would come from the railroad tracks near her house and beg for food. She always packed them a sack lunch. One year during our family Thanksgiving reunion meal at a church building some strangers showed up hungry. She invited them in. She never turned anyone away that was in need of help. I was blessed to have her in my life for 42 years and I truly miss her but thank God for letting me be HER grandaughter. She wasn't just my Grammy, she was Grammy to everyone.

Thank you for stopping by and have a blessed day!
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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