So as you can tell I am running a little behind on posts. I've been a little under the weather this week. I hate to fail on a commitment so with that said this post will be picture less today.
Day 12- I was thankful for my car. Not because it is fancy, because it isn't, but because it provides me transportation to and from work. It provides me a way to and from church. In Texas walking isn't much of an option! And reliable, economical transportation can be a must.
Day 13- I was thankful for the cooler weather. I find it ironic that I'm so happy for the cold to come when up until the last year or so I hated cold. Now as I grow into the fall season of my life...I find that I am a lot hotter than before. And...well..thank the good Lord that I am just not as cold natured as before. Bring on the winter! Haha
Day 14- I am thankful for health. I know so many suffering from illnesses. Cancer, heart problems, various other serious illnesses. My problems are minor compared to what others face. I am really glad that we can pray and our father can hear and answer prayers. He always answers...just may not be what we want, but it is always what he feels is best. There is always a reason for HIS answer.
I would like to say thank you! Though I know my audience is small, I know my message is out there.
Thank you for stopping by and have a blessed day!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad